Get books for your community.

We can increase the number of 100+ book homes in NYC for kids 0-18 by working together.

We want as many kids as possible in New York City to have books that they want to read. If you are part of an organization, educator, or even a neighbor who wants to get more books into children’s and adolescents’ homes, please reach out to us. We will give you books so that you can host your own book giveaway. We have new, like-new, and gently-used books for children, adolescents, and teenagers. 

Brooklyn Book Bodega provides books to individuals, schools, and community members for personal and educational use. Books are not to be resold or used for other purposes. During the term of your book giveaway, you may use Brooklyn Book Bodega's name and logo to promote your book giveaway and for no other purpose.

Our books are never for purchase or sale, so these books should not be tied to entrance fees/purchases or used as prizes given only to certain individuals who complete an activity. There should be no quid pro quo attached to your book giveaway.

After completing your book request form, we will get in touch with you to arrange for you to pick up your books. Expect a minimum of 4 weeks for us to process your request.

How to get books

  1. Please fill out our Book Request Form.

  2. We get in touch with you to arrange an appointment to visit our Book Hub at Brooklyn Navy Yard.

  3. You select the books or we give you presorted books for your event or program.

  4. Host your giveaway and share our family flyer with your community. If you need tips, we are happy to share!

  5. Tag us on social media and publicize your book giveaway.

  6. Complete the impact form after you host your event. We will send it to you.

  7. Stay in touch!

Are you a K-5, Title I educator?

We have a select number of free Scholastic Digital Licenses for Rising Voices. Fill out this form to apply!