Host a book drive and join our mission to increase the number of 100+ book homes in NYC for kids 0-18.

Why host a Brooklyn Book Bodega book drive?

  • It is easy to plan and execute

  • There is no cost

  • You will have an impact on local families to increase the number of 100+ book homes for kids 

Organizing a book drive is easy: 

  • Pick your dates:
    We recommend a length of two weeks, including two weekends, for your book drive. 

  • Set a goal:

    • Make it meaningful and reach for the highest number you can.

    • If you are able, add a fundraiser to your bookraiser. Every dollar counts!

  • Fill out our form:
    We want to know about your book drive.

  • Print, Download, Share a sign:
    Hang up on donation bins and spread the word on social media sites.

  • Start collecting! 
    Collect gently used and new books for ages 0-18 including foreign language, dual language, and nonfiction books. Please no religious, textbooks, activity books, encyclopedias, broken, outdated or missing pages books. Here is a list of Popular Book Requests.

  • Organize your donations
    Sort all books into banker’s boxes or Fresh Direct Bags so that they are easy to lift. If you need banker boxes or bags, we have plenty you can have. Books are heavy! Before you drop off your books, review the guide. Organize them by general age level, type, or category. For example, here are typical categories: picture books, board books, early chapter books, chapter books, preschool, elementary books, young adult, high school, etc. Please do not send any books that you would not want in your own home or are not for ages 0-18. For example, do not give us: torn books, books with scribbles, outdated books or adult books. 

  • Label the boxes/bags and count your books.
    Don’t forget to label each of your banker’s boxes or bags with the book type or category. Let us know the total number of books your book drive collected and will be donating.

  • Tag us on Social Media.
    Don't forget to follow us on social media and tag us during your book drive

  • Bring your book donations to us!
    At the conclusion of your book drive, contact us to arrange a drop-off time to the Brooklyn Book Bodega Book Hub at 141 Flushing Avenue, Suite 407, Brooklyn, NY 11205.